The message you are about to read should draw you more closer to Jesus Christ in true repentance for the salvation of your soul, a vision received from your brother-Michael Felix.
My beloved, in a vision of the night towards the dawn of Sunday, 10th of March, 2019.
As I closed my eyes, the Lord made me to see how horrible hell fire is, I saw as it was another world or realm, full of darkness and fire, full of demons and evil spirits
but I was so sad when I saw in that vision the rate at which people fell into hell, people were falling into hell fire every time and they were falling into hell in great multitude while screaming,
you know the way a tipper pours out multitudes of sand to the ground, that was how I saw human beings falling into Hellfire from so many entrances that were very very wide like a large plan and as though an invisible force pushed them into hell.
Beloved let me tell you that hell has many entrances but there is no exit, hell fire is another realm just like earth and heaven are realms but hell fire is a realm of eternal misery, regret, weeping and suffering.,
why not repent completely and believe in Jesus Christ that you would make heaven and not go to that miserable place I saw, for Hell is miserable and horrible beyond description.
I saw that they fell into hell fire just as if they were falling into a very large pit of fire and darkness, I also saw uncountable number of demons which were so many around the entrances of hell;
those demons in hell that are tormenting the lost souls in hell seems to be more many in number than the humans in hell
for I saw a great multitude of them eagerly waiting around and at the same time, surrounding the place where the souls fell into hell.
Those horrible looking demons were waiting as though it was a competition among themselves
who would First torment those who came to hell, they were waiting with so much eagerness to begin torturing the souls in hell.
Then I had a loud voice in the Spirit that says that the suffering here is everlasting
and even the volcanic fires in many earthly mountains cannot even be compared to the blazing fires of hell.
Then in the vision, I saw earth, and I saw the forest trees of earth, the mountain, roads, cars
and then a voice spoke to me in that vision and said that Earth was original created for man
and that hell fire was created for the devil and his demons and that was why I saw so many demons in hell for that is their realm and not man's realm
but man ends up there when they reject Almighty God and their only Saviour Jesus Christ and then choose to follow satan by choosing to continue in sin. I learnt that indeed it was never the will of God for anyone to perish in hell but man has to make a decision on earth whom he would follow.
Then as I beheld the forests on earth and the clouds on earth, then a voice spoke to me again in the vision and told me that worldly songs has taken so many people to hell
and that multitudes of people end up in hell for deliberately listening to worldly songs that glorify sin instead of listening to songs that glorify God. Then I awoke from the Vision.
So, as I was going to church in the morning, I spoke out and told the Spirit of God that look, I see many churches littered around, that if there are many churches,
then why did I see those multitudes going to hell then the Spirit of God answered and told me that, yes it is true that many people go to church but many who go to church are only church goers but are not true Christians,
that many just want to belong to a church but are not willing to repent from their sins and to follow Jesus Christ Genuinely. Beloved,
as I write this to you I am shocked and pained in my heart from what I saw and heard and I plead with us all to surrender our lives completely to Jesus.
I also remember one night, I saw so many people following the broad way and when I looked at the narrow way, I was so so few people
and when I looked again at the broad way I saw that multitudes upon multitudes were falling into hell, then in the vision I also saw the gate of heaven which was so very beautiful and wonderful to behold,
but the people who were entering through that gate were very few, you could even count them as they were entering but as I also looked to the broad way,
the multitudes falling into hell where so much that you can't count them, but I pray for you my Friend that as you give your life to Jesus Christ fully that you would make it to heaven at last in Jesus Name, Amen.
(1)Acknowledge that you are a sinner and that you have truly sinned. Romans 3:23
(2) And that Jesus Christ came for your salvation that your sins would be forgiven 1 John 2:2, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23,
(3) Pray and confess your sins to God through FAITH in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sin. 1 John 1:9, 1 Thessalonians 5:9
(4) Surrender your life to Jesus Christ and make Him your Lord and personal saviour. John 3:3, John 3:16-17
(5) Attend a bible believing church and continue in the love of Jesus by also spending quality time with Him in prayer and in the studying of His word. Luke 18:1, 1 Peter 2:2, 2 Timothy 2 :15.
The message you just read is a warning to every one given to your brother. MichaelFelix.
May The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Be With Your Spirit In Jesus Name, Amen.
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