Tuesday, August 27, 2019



MICHAEL FELIX: Beloved, in the night towards the dawn of 27th of August, the Lord revealed something to me in a dream, I saw a certain character that most children & people love to watch in the cartoon of Avatar, the Lord revealed to me that there was a demonic being in hell that looked just like Aang in that Avatar cartoon, and indeed, that being looked just like Aang in the Avatar Cartoon but in hell it is full of evil in it's appearance, At first, the Lord showed me that it was among the angels who rebelled with satan and fell from heaven for I saw that being also fell like lightning from the sky to the earth. Then I saw again in another scene where the being was with an horrible looking creature in hell, after that, I saw in a different scene where that demonic being that looked just like Aang in the Avatar cartoon came to torment someone and it actually moved in a different way but it was very fast as it turned itself in between the air just like it does sometimes in the cartoon and then it landed to where the soul was and it began to torment their soul, as it began to torment that soul trying to tear the head of that soul into two, the body of that demon that looked like Avatar Aang began to change and was looking more terrible & fierce, then I awoke. Sometimes also in this month of August, the Lord revealed to me that most of the horrible creatures we humans watch in horror films are actually demons in hell especially the ones in the lord of the ring movie and also the ones in many Horror film.

Beloved, if we have been watching this evil movies, then repent now that there is still time. Let me tell you that for many years ago, I usually watch this avatar cartoon and the lord of the ring movie and I did not know then that they were evil, but though I have stopped watching them since 2015 but now the Lord confirms to me that they are evil and I plead with everyone of us who really wants to make it to heaven to be mindful of whatsoever he/she watches for all unrighteousness is sin.
More so the bible says:
Psalms 101:3 I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

I decided to share this dream to a Christian friend of mine and you would be shocked at the mysterious truth you would read now, below was his response:

GABRIEL MZIRAY: Wow brother I cant believe it, the lord also showed me that being in hell but it was different in character. I also saw it one day in prayer as it was fighting against me but it failed brother. I also saw that character in hell many times and its a demon. Wow glory to God who has revealed the same thing to you my beloved brother in Christ.

MICHAEL FELIX: Wow, I'm shocked that the same thing was revealed to you too but in the cartoon it looked so friendly yet in real time in hell it is very horrible and fiery.

GABRIEL MZIRAY: Brother the physical world is full of deceit that's why the scriptures says love not the world and its things. Sadly i used to watch avatar cartoon too. I wanted to be an air bender too not knowing I was copying a demon from hell.

MICHAEL FELIX: They made it appear friendly and nice to mostly children but in hell, it torments children brutally. I too, I watched all the seasons and episodes, but thank God I had stopped since 2015. Many cartoons have hidden evil in them that is why you would never hear the name of Jesus or see a church or hear them talk about God through the whole episodes of this cartoon.

GABRIEL MZIRAY: hearts aches that millions of children are watching this fallen angel and they are ending in the hands of this merciless demon. I really hate all cartoons, to me, all are the cause of children going to hell.
you remember that I told you a vision I had abt mickey mouse??

MICHAEL FELIX: Yes I remember but Please I would like you to tell me again.

GABRIEL MZIRAY: I was praying and beside me I saw a giant being it was so tall and massive I had to lift my face to look at it and I saw mickey was laughing so much and telling me even if I pray it won't help, it has won many soul through its cartoon. It was very evil to the point that I was shocked, that was this the cartoon that people liked or not. Most of cartoon characters are just demons from hell.

MICHAEL FELIX: Did you know that in that Avatar cartoon they said that they believe that aang can save the world. Whereas the bible says it is Jesus Christ that can save the world. So true, even our sister Zipporah once had a vision about Mickey mouse, brother have you read her own vision of that demon? Should I share zipporah's vision on that Mickey mouse you saw.

The Lord has been showing me the mission the kingdom of darkness has regarding cartoons.In a vision, the Lord showed me a cartoon but in the cartoon, there were some strange creatures. I saw one which was half cow and half chicken at the same time and it was extremely disgusting to look at. He then told me that there are real demons in hell which look exactly like that type of cartoon and are a mixture of different animals.
This reminded me of Avatar the cartoon that I used to watch when in the world. There were such creatures in this cartoon. Some were half tortoise and half chicken,half snail and half something else just like that! This is the reason the Lord says these cartoons are really from hell and are just a bait for our souls and the souls of children. They may look innocent but they always have a hidden agenda. They always promote sin and make it look normal in these cartoons. That is why the Lord doesn't like them and tells us to stay away from them. The Lord also showed me a yellow school bus and on this bus were drawings of different cartoons. Mickey mouse, a dog and other cartoons. As I looked at this school bus, I started feeling as if the cartoons were alive and were actually doing mocking motions. Other people can't see it because it can only be seen with spiritual eyes, It was almost as if the cartoons were telling the children who watch them, "You fools! You don't know who we really are! Continue watching us and land in hell" That's just the message I got from watching the cartoon drawings on the bus. Secular Tv,turns you away from the Lord! The Bible says raise up your children in the way of the Lord and when they're grown, they'll never depart from it. The Lord also showed a demon which was completely grey in colour and hairless. It had no trace of hair or pores from head to toe. The demon also had black nails.
I heard it talking in a comical voice! It sounded just like a cartoon and no one would know it was a demon speaking until they see it. The Lord was showing me that sometimes, you will think its a humans voice being used to act the cartoon but its actually the voice of a demon from the pits of hell! For them, they don't even need effects. They're are the masters of pretense. In a separate vision,the Lord showed me place in hell. It looked like an animated place and the Lord told me that they use that place for acting cartoons. It actually exists in real life in that place though looking animated. This may be hard to believe and it takes the grace of God so always pray for Him to help you understand spiritual mysterious. The Lord does not tell us to abstain from the things of the world because he wants to bother us. He wants us to be holy and you can not be holy while watching secular Tv nor can children be because the only thing secular Tv promotes is sin. The bible says without holiness, no man will see God.
Beloved if you would love to surrender your whole life to Jesus Christ now and escape the evil in this world and make heaven, pls say this prayer below with all your heart and surrender yourself completely to Jesus Christ.

The Lord showed us many movies, books, and even children’s
cartoons that are written by satan and brought to earth by his
agents. The names of demonic cartoons and dolls that He revealed
to us are Mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel
pinkie®, and the Walt Disney® versions of Cinderella, Beauty and
the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. The Lord said all these cartoons
have demons assigned to possess children. Jesus said to me, "Can
you see how cruel satan is? He wants to trap even children to hell."
I also saw a demon that looked like a character from a Christian
cartoon about Moses produced by Nest Entertainment® (see
Author's footnote). The demon looked like the baby Moses from
this animated movie, and it was laughing, saying it had deceived
Christians! I also saw a demon that looked like Aang from the
Avatar cartoon! We had many of these cartoons at home and Jesus
instructed us to burn them.
Jesus said all the cartoons I have listed here were drawn in demons’
images (i.e., there are demons that look exactly like them), but I
want to clarify that Jesus only showed me some and not all of
them. Aside from the cartoon demons I saw, which I have
mentioned specifically, Jesus didn’t show me the other cartoons. He
only mentioned them, saying they are demonic.
I’d also like to mention that I not only saw the demons that look like
Barbie® cartoons, but I also saw Barbie® dolls. In fact, I saw the
Barbie® dolls in many visions at different times. In one vision, I saw
a several things displayed for sale on a stand, including Barbie®
dolls. One of the dolls turned to face me, and began saying
mockingly that they (demons) have deceived humanity. And the
next moment it just froze and looked like a normal plastic doll!
Jesus said even some children's books have demons assigned to
them. He mentioned a specific children's book called "Rattlesnake."
We have never seen or read this particular book Jesus was talking
about, but He said this children's book is from hell. This is true of
even some so-called Christian books. Jesus revealed to us that even
the "Watchtower and Awake” magazines, produced by Jehovah's
Witnesses, are demonic and He doesn’t want His children reading
them. The Lord revealed some secular magazines to avoid, as well.
Some of them are "Drum” magazine,” “You” magazine, and “People”
Jesus told us that these all have a mission of taking people to hell,
not entertaining them. He said, "The world has become a dark place
and that’s why I want you to be led by the spirit in everything you
do." He told us, “These books, movies, soap operas, and cartoons
are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. They are
satan’s bait. Do not fall for it."
The Lord told us satan even assigns demons to children's stickers,
as well. These are cartoon and other stickers like Hannah Montana
and Barbie® stickers.
He told us secular music will also lead you to hell, and it’s also a
trap from satan.
By Mushala sisters


Oh Lord God in heaven who has created me, I now acknowledge my sins before thee and I'm sorry for all my sins and repent of them all today, please forgive me through your Son Jesus Christ who died for me and rose again. Lord Jesus Christ, I now receive you into my life as my Lord and Personal Saviour, please put my name in the book of life and help me to be with you in heaven forever and ever. Amen.

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May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit both now and ever. Amen.

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