Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, hallelujah! My name is Lunati Zamla from South Africa, I'm a Christian and all my sins are forgiven by the power of the living God.
I'm going to share with you my testimony of Heaven and Hell; so let me start. Well, in the 3rd of July 2016, I didn't know what is going to happen to me. It was morning, afternoon, evening, midnight; then we were going to sleep, when we were going to sleep, I was going to sleep on my bed then I just slept straight on the bed, I didn't know what was going on, I was thinking maybe it's over about my life, well after that, it was painful to me when I turned left and right, it was painful so I was just asking myself that night that what is really happening to me. I don't know but when I checked my phone, the time was 11 pm.MY ENCOUNTER WITH JESUS CHRIST
Well after that, I started to hear the beautiful voice I've never heard before since I was born, well this voice was talking to me and saying, "My daughter, I am your God, your Father, the one who died for your sins on the cross". Then I was so shocked, I was so shocked when the Lord spoke to me for the first time.JOURNEY TO HEAVEN
Well, Jesus started to take me in this body (spiritual body). Where we were going, I don't know, where are we going?, we were going, we kept going, well after that, I started to see a beautiful place, this place, I've never seen here on earth called Heaven, Heaven is beautiful more than the earth, I don't know how I can start describing that place, Heaven is for the true believers of Jesus Christ.THE HOLY CITY (NEW JERUSALEM) IN HEAVEN
Well after that, Jesus showed me the beautiful Holy City (New Jerusalem) outside, it is gold, it is shining and I was on the street of gold, it is gold, it is shining, well Jesus was holding me with His right hand and He was looking at me with a beautiful smile then the Lord said to me, "My daughter, lets get inside". Well the Holy City inside was so beautiful, the floor was made of gold; everything there is beautiful, there is nothing dirty, everything there is beautiful, it's nice, it's tremendous.THE BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS IN HEAVEN
Well after that, the Lord said to me again, "My daughter, Lets go". Then the Lord showed me another beautiful place and I saw the beautiful flowers and they are not of this world, they are so different, then when I saw the flowers, I was saying, "Wow, I've never seen this place before, oh! This is good, this is good"THE WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB
So when I was busy watching this flowers, the Lord said to me, "My daughter, lets go again" after that, then Jesus showed another beautiful place again and I saw in a long table, I don't know where it ends, I saw the chairs, left and right were written the names of the peoples with Faith language, not English, not Zulu, no! But Faith Language, not English, not Afrikaans, Spanish, French, no! But Faith Language. Then I started to see the glasses, the spoons, everything was already prepared, then I asked the Lord, "Lord what is this table for?" Then the Lord said to me, "My daughter, this is The Wedding Supper Of The Lamb, remember My Daughter, we shall have our merits here in heaven, go and tell my people to prepare themselves, I am coming back". After that, everything there was already prepared, it's only the trumpet sound, only the rapture.
After that, the Lord said to me, "My daughter, lets go again". Then Jesus showed me the beautiful garments, it was pure white, no more dirty, no more stains there, it was pure white, it remained white, then I asked the Lord, "Lord, what is this garments for". Then the Lord said to me, "My daughter, this garments that you see, they are for those who praise me, they are for those who loves me, they are for those who have deleted the filthy things of this world and all of them(the garments) are waiting for them, go and tell them to prepare everyday, they must repent of their sins before it is too late, My time is running out".
Well, after that, the Lord said to me, "My daughter, lets go again". Then Jesus showed me the beautiful crowns, it was so beautiful, I'm not talking about the fake ones of the earth, no! I'm talking about the crowns of Heaven.
It was beautiful, well after that, I asked the Lord again, "Lord, what is this crowns for? They are so beautiful".
Then the Lord said to me, "My daughter, this crowns that you see, they are for those who loves me, they are for those who repents of their sins, they are for those who read the word of God, they are for those who have deleted the filthy things of this world".
He said, "They are for those who have been feeling painful about me when I was crying on the cross for their sins, that all of them(the crowns).
They are waiting for them (His children), go and tell them My daughter, don't be afraid, but know that many people are not going to listen to you but it is only few who would listen to you, but My daughter, you have to go,
do not be silent because once you can be silent, the blood of the people will be in your head.
Keep telling them, but if they don't listen to you, as long as you have been telling them, My judgment is coming very soon, they are going to miss your words because my judgment is coming very soon,
I am going to judge each person one by one, you are not going to stand with your friends, your family, your Mother, your cousin, no! You are going to stand alone".
If you are not serious with the word of God, if you are not sharing the word of God,
if you love money, but you said you love God, yet you love money more than God, you must know that you no
longer belong to Him if you love the worldly things more than Him, Remember that God watches you everyday and whatever you are doing here on earth, God watches you, you will never lie to Him for He is the One who created you.THE BOOK OF LIFE AND THE WATER OF LIFE IN HEAVEN
Well, after that, the Lord said to me, "My daughter, lets go again". Well Jesus showed me the beautiful table and in this table; I saw a book, this book, it is gold outside, it is beautifully decorated, then the Lord said to me, "My daughter, this is the BOOK OF LIFE". Well, I was afraid on that day because I didn't ask the Lord to let me see if my name was written in the book of life because I was afraid on that day, I was afraid, I was afraid on that day and I didn't ask the Lord. Well, Jesus opened that book and I saw that the names of people were written with faith language, not English, not Afrikaans, no but faith Language; But the Lord told me that, "My daughter, your name is in the book of life but don't be proud, you have to go and finish up my assignment on earth, you have to go back and tell My people, you have to go and finish up". Then I said, "Okay, My Father, thank you".
I started to feel glorious when I woke up, I started to see the beautiful houses, they were so beautiful but Jesus didn't show me inside, He showed me outside, it was so beautiful and not of this world, they are so different,
Remember, when you do the work of God, you build your own mansion in heaven. This is a chance for you to repent, to do the work of God, don't listen to the world, don't listen to the worldly people because once you listen to the worldly people, you are going to lose your faith, stop listening to the world, people of God.
The time is up, Jesus Christ is coming, stop listening to the worldly people, you have to put Christ in you, you have to put your trust in God and no one else, believe in God,
the one who died for your sins on the cross and God will help you wherever you go if you believe in Him but if you doubt Him, you are going to fail and we have to remember that we have the enemy called the devil, we have the enemy, so we have to destroy satan day and night.
No more time brethren, no more time to waste now, Jesus Christ is on the way to come, We have to ask for peace, love, God's plan, Joy, wisdom and everything we have to ask from God and once people asks us to go and preach, we must ask God, "is it right to go there or it's wrong".
If it's wrong, don't go, don't allow the devil in your heart, don't allow the devil for you have to fight the devil day and night and you have to praise God,
you have to praise the Lord day and night. No more time now to waste, the seven trumpets is going to sound and Jesus said He's coming, so will you be ready on that day?, will you be ready?.
In Revelation 8:9, the seven trumpets is about to sound, will you be ready on that day?, that's my question to you, to you all.THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN
Well, after that, the Lord said to me again, "My daughter, lets go". Then Jesus showed me the beautiful angels, each angels were holding his golden trumpet and Jesus showed me the Angel Michael, Angel Gabriel but He didn't give me any chance to speak with them, they just looked at me with a beautiful smile.THE BEAUTIFUL GATE OF HEAVEN
Well after that, the Lord said to me, " My daughter, lets go again". Well Jesus showed me the beautiful gate of heaven, it was so beautiful, then the Lord said to me, "My daughter, go and tell My people that this gate (gate of heaven), I am going to close it soon, go and tell them I am coming very very soon, go and tell them that this gate, I am going to close it soon, they must repent and come back to me.THE RAPTURE IS SO CLOSE
Well, after that, the Lord said to me, "My daughter, lets go again". Then Jesus showed me thousands and thousands of angels, then the Lord said to me, "This will be My coming, go and tell My people to get ready, to get prepared because I am coming very very soon, My time is going to be finished now because many people are no longer praising my name, they are no longer doing the way I want, they take My words into their hands and My daughter, they are going to fail if they don't allow My Spirit in them, go and tell them My daughter, to get ready. I'm coming very soon".AT FIRST, I WASN'T WILLING TO COME BACK TO EARTH.
Well, after that, we were standing, Me and My Father (Jesus Christ). Then I said, "No, no, no, I don't want to go back because here there is no sorrow, there is no pain, for the former things are passed away, No My Father, I don't want to go back, please, please My Father, I want to be with you, what if people insult me, what if people are trying to destroy my life or trying to do something that I don't like, oh! My Father, No, I want to stay with you here, My Father, no sorrow, no pain, oh Lord please I want to be with you, you know My Father, I love you". But the Lord said to me, "No, my daughter, it is not time yet, you have to go back, make sure you are here with Me, don't worry, I will be with you wherever you go". Well after that, I said, "Ok my Father, i'll do that" because in my heart I wanted to stay with the Lord but the Lord said to me, "No my daughter, it is not time yet". And after that, the Lord said to me, "My daughter, we are now going to visit hell".SALVATIONAL MESSAGE/PRAYER:
Beloved, haven read through this timely revelation of Heaven, I strongly encourage you to give your life to Jesus Christ if you have not done so, please do so now for tomorrow may be too late. If you want to give your life to Jesus Christ today and be sure of spending eternity with Him, then pray and make this simple confession with your whole heart: PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, I come to you today as a sinner. I understand that you died and rose again in order to save me. I am sorry for my past lives of sin and I repent from them with my whole heart, Lord Jesus Christ, come into my life today, forgive me of all my sins and save me from eternal death. Thank you Jesus for saving and accepting me in Jesus Name. (Amen.) Beloved, I hope to see you in Heaven at last. A Tremendous Revelation Of Heaven. By Sister Lunati Zamla from South Africa. Tel: +27 63 664 3105SALVATIONAL PRAYER
Oh Lord God in heaven who has created me, I now acknowledge my sins before thee and I'm sorry for all my sins and repent of them all today, please forgive me through your Son Jesus Christ who died for me and rose again. Lord Jesus Christ, I now receive you into my life as my Lord and Personal Saviour, please put my name in the book of life and help me to be with you in heaven forever and ever. Amen.
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