Sunday, July 14, 2019



 BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Once again, just like in the other dream, I was at the sitting room with my mother reading the bible together. Suddenly we heard something that sounded like wind. We saw someone like an angel wearing white clothe. He passed between us and because he had too much light we both closed our eyes. Then when we opened our eyes, we found ourselves in Heaven. In Heaven we saw angels wearing white robes. We saw saints also —There were many people. All had crowns on their head. There is one person I saw and I asked the angel who that person was — I was told it is the famous Joseph of the Bible.

 THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Who else did you specifically see?.

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: I saw some people from our church and many more people whom I didn't know.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: So what were you doing in heaven?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: There was no other business in Heaven only worshipping — We were all before the throne of God. It was made of pure gold and God was seated on it. His face was emitting bright light so no one saw his face. Beside him on his right was another throne — It was also made of gold but it's arms were blue in color — Jesus was seated on it looking at the people ....... All I saw was that Angels came regularly to him and they could talk for a little moment then leave.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Did You Hear What The Angels Were Saying To Him?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: I could hear but I could not understand.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: What Else Did You See Around The Throne Of God?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Eeh! .... I saw things which looked strange like both an animal and human — Two were on the left and the other on the right. Their faces were shining brightly. They had wings and the wings were covered with eyes — They were just looking down on the earth . I also saw other people who surrounded the throne. They had crowns .

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Did You See The Earth While You Were There In Heaven?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Yes I saw the earth. I saw it just like it appears on a map . I saw Africa, America and all other continents — I also saw the stars and the sun surrounded by planets.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Did You See Young Children There?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Yes I saw them. They were at the front, though; not the very fore front space just before the throne of God and not in the middle of the crowd. It was between the front and the middle — They were moving about and worshiping God with joy. They were jumping and clapping hands . In the revelation, I saw that I stayed in Heaven for almost one year. Some babies were less than one year yet they were worshipping God —They were only clapping because they didn't know how to talk. When they grew and were one year old they could speak and sing along with the others.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: How Was The Ground Which You Were Stepping On There?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: It looked white like the clouds but it was not clouds.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Was There Soil In Heaven?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Soil in Heaven?? Noooo !

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Did You See Houses There?

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Yes. They were very many and they were built with pure gold. Even the streets were gold —Everybody who was there had their own house. There was no sharing houses but you could visit anyone you wanted to in their houses — We used to go to the house twice and we never used to stay long in there. Most of the time we used to spend worshipping God. We only used to go to the house to eat and take a bath and sleep for a few hours — We used to take two meals in day. However, in Heaven you cannot know when it is day time or night time because the place is ever with light . It is not like here on earth . The light never changed like the way we have sun ☀ during the day and moonlight 🌙 during the night or other kinds of lights — However we used to know what time it was. Jesus could tell us what time it was after every one hour. We used to take our breakfast 🍽 at 6am —No lunch. Supper at between 7 & 8pm and slept at 10pm. Exactly at 3am we would wake up and go to worship. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: What Was In Your House? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Two sofa seats (3seater) and a table and everything I needed —There are no TVs 📺 in Heaven. My house had six rooms. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, dinning room, bathroom and toilet. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: So What Were You Eating There? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: There was variety of foods 🥯🧀— Every week we had different foods and the food that we ate in one week could never be repeated. Even though it was like day time all through, we could automatically know when it was morning and evening —Jesus used to tell us the time. ✋

 THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Who Was Cooking Food For You? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: We only used to be brought ready food of your choice at first — The Angels used to serve us. Everybody had two angels in theirs houses —It is like they used to read our minds. Whatever you wished and thought of eating is what you could see them bringing. They only served you the food they knew you could finish — There was juice🍹 and fruits 🍒. —One time the Angels brought juice for me in a big bottle 🍶and I drank it all then it automatically filled again. There was no thirst in Heaven. No one was angry 😡 or sorrowful 😢 . All people were happy ☺🤭 — That place was very good. Another thing is that, I saw a river just from within the throne of God. On one side of the river was a tree. (The tree of life) it's leaves were green in color and the trunk looked as if it was purple. In the river banks I also saw fish.

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: So You Said You Used To Bathe. Where? Inside The House? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: No. We used to bathe in a river 🏞 — The water used to be warm. You could bathe in the morning, breakfast time or in the evening when taking meals. After breakfast we could worship all day and after evening meal, we could worship almost all night though; we used to sleep a little. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Did You See Other People Like Abraham, Moses, David? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: Yes I saw many people but I could not know who they were. The only person I saw and recognized was Joseph because I had asked the angel who he was. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: When You Were i In Heaven, Did You See The Second Heaven Where Demons Stay (Prince of Persia)? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: No, but At one point, Jesus took me to Hell and he was accompanied by angel Michael. Angel Michael was the biggest of all Angels but he was not bigger than God and Jesus — I had told the Angel that I wanted to see Hell. So Jesus agreed to take me there. When In heaven, we saw a black gate. The gate opened and we went through. It was the gate of Hell 😳 In Hell we saw people in fire🔥 — They were crying 😢 and shouting, "help! help!" — When they saw us. But we never said anything to them. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: How Was The Fire 🔥? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: The fire 🔥 looked like water (liquid). It looked red hot — Then the smell which was there was like that of a dead dog. It was the smell of people burning. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Was There Light 💡 In Hell? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: NOooo 😲. It was dark and only the fire 🔥 in there lit the place. Hell was a deep pit. I also saw Satan there and his Angels, the demons. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: How Did Satan Look Like? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: He was ugly 😈 . He had horns and he had a cross sign on his forehead. He had a tail too. Satan and demons were fearing us - me, Jesus and Angel Michael — Whenever we neared them, they could move further. Satan looked at me and moved back without saying anything. I asked Jesus why those burning in fire 🔥 were there. He he told me it is because they had sinned. Then Jesus continued telling me that he will come to take those who love him. Those who had no sin. Before we left that place, we saw demons coming with something like rakes to turn the people who were burning in Hell. They wanted to make sure they burn on all sides —Then we went back to Heaven. Things continued as usual back in Heaven. Worship, the major thing. I saw two gates to Hell. One was where people who die ungodly enter h Hell through and the other one was on the side of Heaven — No exit. Again another time came when Jesus took us to Hell. This time round we were a large number. There was two Angels and people from our church. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Who Did You See From Our Church, And The People You Know Whom You Were Shown Hell With? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: I saw pastor, Reverend, Pastor Elijah, you(mum), mama Na baba jaoko, mama Vicky, Munyasia, joy, Jeremiah, teacher Dorcas (Sunday school), teacher joy and other people but I don't know their names. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: What Happened When You Went To Hell The Second Time With Those People? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: We saw Satan 😈 and his Angels-demons —When they saw us, they ran 🏃 with fear 😱 to the other side. But I saw something surprising. "The demons in Hell kept multiplying and within no time they were so many there" When Satan saw us, he hid himself in the fire 🔥 — But still we could see him. We moved to one side with Jesus together with the rest. We left only Angel Michael and Gabriel the other side. Satan 😈 came out of the fire 🔥 to fight Michael and Gabriel he was accompanied by eight of his angels — And it was like he had a armor like the armor of God but it looked black. He did not have an helmet. Satan transformed himself and became like an angel of God, But we could still notice who he is — They fought until he was defeated together with his eight angels. Then he turned back to how he looked like before. Then while we were still there, we looked down and we saw a person who had just died on earth 🌍 . His spirit left him and he was speedily coming up toward the gate of Heaven. Then Angel Michael and Gabriel flew to wait for the soul of that person —We were all watching. The person reached at the Gate. Some records 📖 were checked at the first stop, then he was told to proceed up to where he would find another angel. At that place the Angel was to check if his name was in the book of life 📝 — His name was not there. He was found guilty of lying 😲. Then he was told "depart!" And a strong force like wind blew that person toward Hell and a Demon went to receive him to Hell where we were watching from — While still there in Hell, Jesus began telling us of his coming. I asked him, "when will you come?" He said he didn't know but he was waiting for God to give him an instruction to do so. He said he will take some people to Heaven (through rapture) then he will come the second time to judge. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: Did Anyone Ask Jesus a Question? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: No. People were just silent listening to him. He continued telling us, "Angels will blow the trumpets — The dead in Christ without sin will hear and they will rise from their graves. Then those who will be Born Again and living Holy lives will also disappear from the Earth 🌍 without being seen" — We were all listening. After this Jesus began saying how he will come back to the earth in his second coming. He will come to judge. We then began seeing how he will come — He will come riding on a horse, wearing white robe and a red clothing, with a sword in his hand. The armies of Angels of Heaven will be with him -He will be with power. People who will be on earth at that time will look up to see him. We watched as he neared the earth, buildings could collapsed and could not be traced any more —The see dried, the trees vanished and everything else was not seen anymore. Then we saw those who had died without Jesus and they were judged and thrown to fire 🔥 —Everybody else also was judged. Then at last Satan 😈 was judged and also thrown in fire 🔥. ✋

THE MOTHER SPEAKING: How Was Jesus Judging People? ✋

BRO ISAAC (The Son) SPEAKING: What they had done had been recorded in books 📖 — It was like videos in the books. After looking at their lives as recorded, there was the book of life. If your name was not there you were told, "depart!" If your name was there Angels took you to Heaven. (( The End )) 👉

 WHERE WILL YOU SPEND YOUR ETERNITY: Eternity is not holiday — is not a long journey or vacation..... "After millions years it has just began" Eternity is life without end. Its appointed to man once to die, after then come's the judgment of God —Everything done in the secret shall be open that day, follow by eternity in Heaven or Hell. Do you know that you will outlive the Sun ☀ ?😲 Do you know that when the Earth 🌍 and stars 🌟 have all passed away,.... you will just be beginning your endless day- a time without end? 😳 Once you are Born you will cease to live.....You will live for ever; you will be alive eternally. "Eternity Has No End" ..... This is a solemn and fearful truth! Suppose it were possible to tie a rope from the earth to the Heaven and an ant were to go to the sun ☀ and return on this rope, when the ant has done that a hundred times, then a small fracture of eternity has just passed 😢. Suppose a small boy were to empty an ocean with a cup, the time it will take the boy to do so it a very tiny part of eternity 😢. If it were possible to gather all the book 📖 that had ever been written in all fields of human endeavor and in all languages, and a student were to read them one by one, the time he will spend reading all the books will only amount to a minute fracture of eternity 😢. If a grain of sand represents one day, all the sand at the sea-shore will represent only a small, negligible part of eternity! 😢 If a bird went to sharpen its beak once a year at a mountain — When the bird went the mountain this way, only an insignificant part of eternity wound had passed 😢 "Eternity is the life-time of the never-dying God" "You will live for eternity just as God is alive eternally" Once Born, a person remains consciously alive for ever. Eternity does not terminate at the time of death. Death is just another wrung on the ladder of eternity. It is only gateway to eternity, either in Heaven or in Hell. Now, it's time to make a choice... A decision and where you wanna spend your Eternity. ⚠ Heaven or Hell fire 🔥?

For more godly counsels inline with this message, please call
Pastor Mike Felix:+2348084251644


Oh Lord God in heaven who has created me, I now acknowledge my sins before thee and I'm sorry for all my sins and repent of them all today, please forgive me through your Son Jesus Christ who died for me and rose again. Lord Jesus Christ, I now receive you into my life as my Lord and Personal Saviour, please put my name in the book of life and help me to be with you in heaven forever and ever. Amen.

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For more godly counsels inline with this message, please call Pastor
Mike Felix:+2348084251644

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                   GOD BLESS YOU


  1. Replies
    1. Amen, for God is willing to save you and give you eternal life, keep putting your trust in Him.

  2. So, from this testimony people sleep in heaven??? And there are toilets in heaven???
