Friday, November 8, 2019



My beloved, before the dawn of 6th of November 2019. The Spirit of the Lord revealed something to me in a vision of the night of which i would love to share with you but let me first tell you how it started then I will proceed to tell you what I saw in a night vision.


First of all, during the previous day, I came across a divine revelation and indeed it really dawned on me that heaven is a place that we all should not miss at all for heaven is extremely beautiful with magnificent mansions waiting for those who would make it there at last. After reading that revelation I was led by the spirit of the Lord to exhort the brethren in the whatsapp platform of my online ministry pleading that we all may repent from sin completely, escape hell and inherit the glorious mansions and wonderful things in heaven.

[John  14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.]

            WHILE GOING HOME

While going home from a place I went to, while in the bus I had set my heart to evangelize in the bus but not up to 6 minutes I entered the bus, the bus developed serious fault, with that there was much noise in the bus coupled with the heavy traffic so I knew I was attacked in a way from preaching on yesterday.

ALSO READ: Please escape hell by Pastor Mike Felix  


As I got home, in the night towards the dawn of today 6th of November 2019; in a night vision I saw myself outside my home discussing with a brother who was with a sister. Then by the spirit of the Lord, I told the brother something that really shocked him. 
The brother was standing and I came to him and said, "Why have you held back the revelations and messages that the Lord has given to you to share to multitudes to lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ, you once told people about Jesus and what He revealed to you but now it has been a long time you told people about Jesus Christ, why brother? and great multitudes of souls are perishing in hell fire daily". 
Immediately I said that, the brother was shocked and those words hit that brother and touched his heart and he fell on the floor for he was greatly shocked. (Beloved remember that this brother has good message from the Lord yet he held it back.)
The spirit of the Lord ministered to me saying, "God is not pleased if one keeps back the messages of salvation to ourselves while many are perishing in hell fire daily."

[Luke  9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.]


After that, in that same vision of the night, a Jehovah Witness man came to offer to me their magazine saying, "Take our magazine and later we will visit you" and I rejected it, he then offered to me a complete bible and I accepted the bible then the Spirit of the Lord ministered to me and said, 
"You must reject false doctrine. The word of God is already complete enough to lead us to salvation in Christ, anyone who offers to you anything contrary to the bible,  quickly reject it, many people add to My word and minus from My word but My word should be taken Just as it is, reject false doctrine in it's totality but always hold fast to My words"
[2 John  1:10-11 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.]

            ENDURE TILL THE END!

I Then saw myself in that vision heeding to a destination by the road was very bad and not attractive to follow upon then the Spirit of Lord said, "Just as this road is unattractive, so also is the road that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven an unattractive road yet the end of the road is filled with eternal glory and joy."
[Matthew  24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.]

Beloved from this message I received, I summarize three key things for you.
(1) Always proclaim the gospel of salvation and don't hold it back.
(2) Always reject false doctrine and stick to God's word.
(3) Always follow the narrow way till you get to heaven at last.
Let's souls be saved, be holy till the end. Be quick to rescue your soul and all those perishing in sin by leading them to Jesus Christ.
From your brother Pastor Michael Felix.
I encourage you to always visit our website @ for divine messages that would prepare you for heaven at last.


Oh Lord God in heaven who has created me, I now acknowledge my sins before thee and I'm sorry for all my sins and repent of them all today, please forgive me through your Son Jesus Christ who died for me and rose again. Lord Jesus Christ, I now receive you into my life as my Lord and Personal Saviour, please put my name in the book of life and help me to be with you in heaven forever and ever. Amen.

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Mike Felix:+2348084251644

Always visit this website for messages that will prepare you for heaven at last @ 

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                   GOD BLESS YOU